The Langston House in Faber

    I was painting this house plein air and a man walked up behind me and began to speak: "Do you know anything about the house your painting?"   Well, I didn't.   It turns out that this house is named "the Langston home" and it was the spot where the Union Army w General T. Sherman set up his headquarters while staying in Central Virginia during the Civil War in 1863 (or so)....the Army set up its tents in the land surrounding this home in Faber, Va.   The house is still in the same family and they own most all of the land that I rendered in this painting.   There property goes way back into the mountains behind the home, and up to the west and east of it as well.   Chuck (the man who came up to chat with me as I painted) was very talkative n explained most everything anyone would care to ask about that place.  I just kept painting.  It is located just south of Irish Road or Rt 6 in Nelson County, Va.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene