First Painting of the Summer is Done

It was a successful couple of days painting up on Pantops Mountain at Peter Jefferson place, what a great view to paint. For the last couple of days at noon I have been up on the third floor balcony of the Martha Jefferson Hospital at Peter Jefferson place painting a landscape of the view. It's tremendous and breathtaking in it's scope, it gives the viewer a complete panorama of Charlottesville and the mountain ranges beyond it. It shouts out "paint me" every time I have seen that view, so for the last couple of days I did just that I painted it.
Yesterday was the start of the painting, and storms could be seen taking formation. It would be a great location for a "weather cam" because you can see clouds forming so well from up their on Pantops. I painted for an hour and a half, just getting the painting situated and getting the under-painting started, and making sure I took a close look at the buildings and their respective locations in the landscape. It was a good start, I then took it home and let it sit overnight, so the paint would be come tacky and be workable the next day for another layer.
Today, I waited until the clouds lifted and then I headed up to the third floor balcony. It was really nice, the sun was out, visibility was good, and there was a light breeze. Perfect weather for me to finish up my painting. And that's exactly what I did for another two hours. I am very pleased with the final results as it dries here in my apartment. It looks promising and fresh labor always pleases me once I sign it. When I sign it , it is done. I may touch up a few little things but for the most part it's done once I put my signature on it.
It will be on my website soon, just not today. Too much work for me in one day
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