Health is improving but still I must wait

I'm feeling much better but I know not to give into my usual activity just because I feel better now, I must wait. When I workout at the gym I always wait between sets and then I wait a little longe. I wait just until I am feeling a good zen breath. I usually wait until I am good and rested. Then I get back into it.
In the same manner, I must rest beyond just feeling back to my old self, I must wait another week as directed by those who have better knowledge and understanding of health issues. I mean medical doctors of course, and so I am doing as little excerise as possible for the next week. And when I return, I am going to take the time to do some Qigong excerise/energy meditations sometime during my workweek.
I am lucky to have the friends who will be working with me to bring out the very best website for my artwork I've done this summer and previous to this summer too. I will be getting together with him this week, so we can update all the work on it and hopefully improve it with titles and the such.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene