Philosophy of Painting For Me at Least

"Time is a hero" I like that verse in a Little Feat song who's name escapes me at this time, but time being a human measurement method of marking changes is nice when you have it on your side. Problem is to realize it, that's a whole other matter. When I was young I knew it was really great to be 21 and I didn't have a clue as to my future but as it turns out back then there were no clues available at that time as to my future. I would change homestates and change friends I hung around with, plus I would change jobs and I had no idea that I would return to school to get my BA. If it had been shown to me (back then) just how my future would go, I think I would have balked at living threw it all.
One thing has remain thru it all and that is my painting. I have kept up with my artwork. I got my degree in it from two schools so I think it is worth my time to keep up with doing it on a regular basis. I know doing something everyday in a practice of my craft is a necessary thing. It don't have to be the actual drawing or painting to do something artistic everyday, sometimes it might be taking pictures outdoors or taking a watercolor to have it matted and framed. Just doing something related to my art is a necessary thing if one is to remain "good" at his work. Sometimes in might be looking at other people's art on the web, still I am educating my eye to other ways of looking at the world or how others show their experiences thru a visual means. This included looking at photographs as well, it's all about a recording of one's inner-self thru a medium like painting, drawing or even a camera.
Just at long as one does something with regards to their interest and love of art.
Such is my view, one that others have influenced through their words and style of living and artwork that they make. I have had many teachers, the best will not go long without working for their art on nearly a daily basis if not having it in every minute of their day.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene