Working With Love in One's Heart

Greeting everyday with an open mind and a cheerful heart can sometimes be daunting, but today I was in a good way. Earlier this week I couldn't say that but this morning I awoke to a bright sunlight coming thru the window and a good feeling in my heart, so exercising looked like a good activity to get into, I think the air being cleaned by yesterday's rain really helped me feel good this morning too. Rain has become rare in this little corner of the world, so it's a welcome event whenever it arrives. Many of my co-workers were openly thankful for yesterday's weather event of rain. And even though we need much more than an brief shower or two, we were all thinking of how we can't take our supply of water for granted.
Our school is doing well, many of the students like their jobsites and work assignments are going well for most of our students. I'm thankful for working with a couple of star students who really do their respective jobs as well as they can. I know it's not easy for them to be dishwashers and I often pitch in right beside them to get a feel for how their work is going. I'm looking right beside myself observing them while I am working next to them so I can see how to help them do a better job and also to see what they are doing well too. We must not skip their abilities, because they sweat just like I do.
I am painting this schoolyear and it's going slowly but with much more care fullness to the details of what I am doing. I'm paying heed to each step by sitting back and looking at it before I begin reworking another step. I'm not sure when I will be done, and my students are always asking me "Have you finished the painting yet?" It really nice of them to care, if they didn't they wouldn't ask.
I am taking photos of each step in my painting of this one. I think the title will be "Buddhist Ceremonial Parade" but I'm not positive right now, I still have much to do on it.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene