Nibs and Ink

I've been playing around with my pen and inks. I have a lot of fun with them. It's my playground when I have a bucket and shovel standing next to a pile of sand. Or I can dig a deep hole in the dirt with my toy trucks hauling it away.
I like using the older nib and holder set of pens. They were the style my Dad used and he gave me his set when I was young, and I really enjoyed drawing with them. With nibs you have to dip the pen in a bottle of ink or they will dry up and you'll loose your linework. It takes a little getting use to in order to work with them effectively, but you can get into them and get use to how they work. It takes a little testing but the affect is great and there is nothing that can take there place in the shape and form of lines that one can get using them. I love using them.
One can use different pen nib heads to get different effects of line when one is drawing, and the variety is unique to the pen head or nib one uses. I found only two types of pen nib heads that I like right now, but I can get a number of different effects from just those two pen heads. Its been a good break from painting to use them.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene