A Good Question Can Be Rewarding

Friday evening, in days past it was a good reason to get "blasted' or better yet "wasted" in all things done by my friends that one took the priority over everything else. It was all about who had "it", how much was "it" and where is he now? I don't miss the never ending chase after "it" and losing so much money getting "it". I play it out today and it spells out that I no longer am an escape artist about my life. I'm ok being a little sore and a little tired. I don't need anything "for it".
Tomorrow I will be in a better space to enjoy my weekend, alert, awake and ready to go by the morning. I will no doubt have a very full day tomorrow and I will remember what I did and how I felt during that day and the day before (today).
I'm glad to be ok with that, and I make a daily choice to continue with my quest of learning what I can from whom I choose to ask, "How do you do this?" or "What does that really mean anyway?" Today I'm not afraid to ask if I don't really know and I'm not putting people as untouchable because they aren't "cool" or "with it" as I may have once of thought of people who were different than I. I'm learning much more about it and I am a lot more enriched by gaining the knowledge that others have because I am not putting them off for their outside appearances, which we really have little choice over in themselves, for that I am thankful. The important thing is to think up the best question that can be the most enlightening for me at the time that someone is in my presence. I am happy with the results in 98.5 percent of the time. Thankfully I can still put somethings together today so I can ask a good question once in a while, and that has been one of my biggest helps.
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