Voting Early

I'm getting more calls dealing with my vote as I'm sure most Americans are at this time in the political calendar. I'm hoping to vote early. I work at the polls so I am able to do so. Lucky me! As it has been said on NPR voting early in other states is now an option for many and this takes the load off the poll workers ( of which I am one as I said) and so without large numbers rushing in to vote we don't have to work really hard for long periods of time at the polls clearing them so they (the general public who are registered voters) can vote. There are many plus sides to this manner of casting a vote including the fact that the registrar herself has more time to be sure that the person is an eligible voter in any number of ways.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing this election come to the voters as also I am looking forward to the vote on our helping our financial situation get back on it's feet and headed in a good direction with oversight of our government people who are knowledgeable as to what will work the best. It's funny but I actually do trust the government to get it right because there is a serious need to do so and I believe that they really want to do the right thing for us. Let's hope that is the case.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene