A Rant About Age

I might be an old guy but I still don't like being laughed at for being it. It's like people just don't get it, just because I'm old doesn't mean it should count me out for understanding what's up or having heart, or even understanding new technology and even using it. These new folks are so anti-anyone over forty that it boggles my mind as to how much prejudice still rears it's ugly head through the young now. I've got to laugh at how predictable this new shunting out the old is when you compair it to how people use to shunt out the black or the long hairs or whatever outside look someone else has in part because it might cause someone to see something good in someone who doesn't look so good. Isn't that why they put so many behind bars in mental asylums years ago, because they bothered people, they didn't look so good in society, they aren't "cool like us" attitude.
Here's where the new boss is just like the old boss routine all over again.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene