It's Over, Let It Go

That storm was fun now that I can look back on it, now that we're done digging ourselves out of it. A lot of it is still on the ground but at only half the depth that it had been four or five days ago. It's just now getting plowed off our local small side street. But that's ok, we've already dug out most of the backyard getting out cars out of this part of town. It's was quite a sight to be sure. Now I have a slight idea of what people in Buffalo go through only they do this every wintertime from all that lake effect snow from Lake Erie.
It's good to be done with it. But it also was a weather event I won't soon forget. It's the same with my adolescent sentimental memory of the Blizzard of 1962 when I walk off to the Potomac River to sled down virgin hills of snow on the George Washington Parkway all by myself. It was one memory that hasn't ever left me in technicolor optics within my inner-eye.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Fun Drawing , Believe Me, Just for Fun