The Tattooed Girl

When someone is working from a model one does a number of drawings in a sitting. Hopefully one can get many works from which one can draw upon at a later time when one is faced with the canvas. This is the result of working from one nice young woman who enjoyed the tattoo covering of herself which I didn't mind in some senses and in others it seem to be a hard body to read because the drawings upon her skin where difficult to work with in the drawing of them. They got in the way of me seeing her bodies shape and form many times but such it is.


What Has Worked;

Penn Academy of the Fine Art Visit in Philly

The First Structure in Nelson County of European Settlers

Hut for a Blue Tractor and a Red Grass-Cutter

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

Whiting Oil Company on W. Main St. C'ville, Va.