Working From The Woman's Form

Working from the female form is always a real joy for me, it's so beautiful and interesting in the results that come from it's definition in line. This drawing is an example of how I enjoy my work while defining it. My time spent is one done mostly in silence while drawing and most times those who work from the model around me would wish me to be even more-
so on the silent side of life. But here is where the work is getting more defined and fun for me to see what does the human being size, shape and even color come from and where to they go as it the shadows created by said form. I am hoping to continue my search and I will keep all of you viewers posted.


What Has Worked;

Penn Academy of the Fine Art Visit in Philly

The First Structure in Nelson County of European Settlers

Hut for a Blue Tractor and a Red Grass-Cutter

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

Whiting Oil Company on W. Main St. C'ville, Va.