Awaiting Words at the Hospital

I took a friend to the University Hospital this morning because during his small endoscopy he had to go under for a while so I had to drive. They just don't let people behind the wheel after taking one of their 'cocktails' so I took him in this morning. It went just fine but while waiting in the Hospital lobby I took out my drawing book and found some subjects for my pen and inks. This one in particular was one I could put a lot of meaning into, a mother and daughter no doubt awaiting word from their loved one as to his fate or results. This was my thought on what I took to draw. Both lay together for a while, not very long but yet long enough for me to get them done in ink. I didn't ask them any questions nor do I think they knew what I was doing just across the hallway from them. To my knowledge they must have thought I was listening to the piano playing happening beside us but all the time I was focused on them and their absolute serenity in their pose. And so they arose when their 'father'( and older man) approached and exchanged words then moved on out of the building leaving this impre
ssion behind them.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene