Butterflies Swarming

I love living here in the countryside of Central Virginia, its divine at times like this one where I spotted butterflies swarming around my backyard. There were seventeen Monarchs and a few smaller ones flying on a bush. Truly a beautiful site to behold. I grabbed my camera and simply sat among them for a while and they seem to not mind me being their so I snapped a few photographs and then moved on. I was glad to see so many Monarchs since there was that huge die-off of them in Mexico that we all read about, they winter down their from what I've read and they seemed to have gotten caught in a deep freeze while wintering in that migration spot. Along with the butterflies where a good number of bees that were making use of the pollen provided by this thistle shrub and feeding on the magenta blooms, it was a real pleasure to witness this morning and actually for the past week or so.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

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