Lovingston Buildings from A While Ago

One of the nicer buildings left in the small town nearby where I now live is Lovingston,Va. It is a town with a history and I am sure the downtown that is leftover from earlier times must have stories of life within it. I just don't know what those stories consist of right now but I intend to learn about them. One of the largest buildings in the downtown area is this one with a great porch on it and that it is three floors high does say something about its former importance to the life of this city. Now it stands in disrepair though. It made for a nice study and the part of the drawing that I am showing here is only a section of the overall rendering of it in my notebook. The part of the city where this building stands is more or less uninhabited by the towns people of Lovingston. All the two hours it took to do this drawing I saw but one man passing by on the sidewalk and he was pleasant enough but I was just about to ask him "well what are you doing here?" and I was the visitor. Being that all the action takes place in the shopping center featuring a grocery store and a dollar store this center of town stands vacant most of the day. The buildings go back but I just am not sure how far yet or what there usage was in there day of prominence. They do make for a good drawing study and that is just what I am looking for so there you are with me sitting on the sidewalk for a couple of hours drawing with a cop in the alleyway watching me from his cruser. It all for the best.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene