"Front Street Again!!" One More Time!!

Hey Now Hey Now!! When one gets the chance to draw its the duty, the moral obligation of the artist to do it. And so with autumn breezes blowing I got up off my duff and took off with my drawing book to head out. I found myself doing double duty, I took the recycling to the center and my drawing notebooks along for the ride. No not to draw the dump but to travel a little bit further down the road to Lovingston. Its got a lot of promise. If someone has the money to invest in some dying wooden turn of the nineteen hundred's buildings that is: I see them as museum pieces to what was not but sixteen decades ago or so. They do have style and they are sort of sculpted in a manner no longer done in buildings of this millennium. I set up on Front Street in Lovingston and got right to work. About a better day one wouldn't be able to get if one tried and so the drawing went quickly. About an hour to an hour and a half later there it was, done to the point where I could say I got it. I threw in a few cars on the street to boot or just cuz I could. It was nice sitting their on my tripod folding chair with my balsa wood drawing board, and the pens they have available are the very best one could ask for, so I enjoyed my outting. The sun shown, the breezes blew ( I use clips to keep my paper still) and I drew for an hour. What better way to express my inner needs and what better time to do so.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene