Lovingston: the Remains of a Time Gone By

Going out on the town in Lovingston seems to mean going to the local grocerystore shopping mall, while the actual downtown area remains quite and out of the sight of pedestrian traffic. It does lend itself to a closer look at some of the architectural features done in the woodwork of the building. And so I wanted to study just that with this drawing as the result of my day on the drawing board. Right now I am studying this area for a painting which will come sometime later on, since I am back to work in the school system it might be sometime before I get around to it but it will come about to be sure. I see how this town had its heyday but now has sunk into disrepair. The paint is pealing on these buildings and people are scarce. Very few cars past down the street as I sat drawing but these buildings remain standing as a silent way of notifying people of a time gone by where people met and events happened. These buildings are no longer dwellings where they are of much use to the inhabitants of Lovingston.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene