The Drummer 'n Fairmont Park

As I get older I reminisce, mostly about my time with one of the most beautiful girlfriends I ever lived with....I know, one always wants to know just who that was but if you'll forgive me I will move on without revealing her identity...and during my time with her we moved to Philadelphia to live in Center City on Spruce Street. While we were setting up our place in our new diggs we awoke on a Sunday morning to an idea of heading out to Fairmont Park and watching the sun rise over the city. The park is on the western side of that city and it has some high hills that overlook Center City if one is to look eastward. I was not in the mood to get up let alone drive my car out to the Park that morning, I sighed "oh noooo" but then acquiesced and got up and dressed. I felt the heat of every ray of sun on my face that morning in the pain of my awakened state. But I did drive us out to the Park when the city slept. Once we got their we saw a man standing under the highest, tallest tree on the crest of the highest hilltop in the Park. He simply stood their almost as tall as that oak tree he was under with his jambe drum pounding out a rhythm while we stood nearby as the sunrise broke over the city below us. It was one of those moments in life where you say "well, look what I would have missed if I had listened just to myself" and I was thankful to have moved to a city as gifted with some beautiful people as Philly turned out to be. And I had only lived in it for but a few months when this site I have drawn here happened and revealed itself to me by simply fulfilling the request of someone I once loved dearly and still hold a special place for...her fictitious name was Wendy.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene