Learn from Atmospheric Science or We'll Lose Much

I think a friend of mine was right when he said "if a hurricane hits and destroys buildings and such, why do they rebuild in exactly the same spot, they shouldn't be allowed to do so because they will just get the same thing to happen again." I think he has a good point in these days of "global warming" because if one rebuilds in New Orleans we're seeing how the same type and size storm will come again, and again to this spot on our planet. With atmospheric conditions like they are and water temperatures higher than ever before one can pretty much see that storms along our Gulf of Mexico are only going to remain bad to worse in the near future so why should we invest in areas destroyed by storms like Katrina and ones to come like the one on it's way today to New Orleans Gustav.
I believe we do need to take a look at our own behaviors in light of the new weather patters that are changing the actual formation of our planet. We need to project these changes and learn to change our living accordingly to them, or we're going to be banging our head against a wall over and over again. Let's use what we've learned to prevent ourselves from continuing to lose property, people and even cities. We should leave all land in the Gulf area for good, and not go back.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene