The Transit to Work Today

Riding the Local Transit with my bike, it was the very best of rides being that it was on time and fast. The only problem was that it did go in a round-about-way of getting from my place to the street my job is on but it was manageable for me and I plan to do my transit this way more often in the future. Granted I have to awaken a half an hour earlier and I need to put aside time to prepare to ride my bike which means gathering my gear putting my bikebag together with lunch, lock and chain, wallet and glasses for reading with my notebook for taking track of who belongs where at work then I have to dress for the weather if I'm going to ride home. But let me tell you it's all worth it when you zip by traffic at a standstill downtown while they are waiting for a light to change. I usually only go to the head of the line and wait unlike many bike riders who tend not to obey the laws of driving a vehicle and they cross no matter what color the traffic light is and sometimes what is coming in the other direction. Their ticket day will come, along with their embarrassment for being pulled over for bike riding. I had mine years ago, now I look around before breaking the traffic light laws. Ha!


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene