Transit AM

I've been wanting to go biking but other things seem to get in the way, either I need to carry things too big to carry along on my bike or just needing to get some rest from activity for the moment. Biking is a great way to get around and I plan to ride to work in the morning since the weather is cooperating lately but sometimes a person can just be too too worn out to make it onto the saddle.
Thankfully, I can choose to ride my local transit system to work with only one transfer in getting their, I can always choose to do that if I don't feel like riding as long as I am awake early enough. The city bus system takes a good deal of time to use in order to go just a few miles, but it is a money saving method of travel here as long as your not in a hurry. These buses tend to loop around to places where not many travel but a few do, they just don't go one way down a street here, they take a lot of side trips to get from place to place. It's Charlottesville afterall, so at least there are many new routes opening up, in days gone by (1980's) there were buses on only a few main streets and they were small infrequent and often very crowded in rush hour.
I like the fact that I can take my bike with me on the front racks on the buses now, that opens up interesting possibilities for me. I can ride the bus to work and ride my bike home so I won't have to wait for it to come to my stop near work, which can sometimes be a bit of a wait. I am looking forward to heading out with my lunch in my bikebag tomorrow morning. It suppose to be in the sixties by morning here so it will be a nice cool ride either on the bus or if I get tired of waiting or I miss it on my bike.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene