"Reds Eats" and Its' Clients

A friend whom I don't frequent much time with anymore, not because I don't want to we just don't cross paths like we use to living in the same neighborhood and all....well anyway on with the story with this painting; He saw this scene way up in Maine (God only knows what he was living up their for, a girl I suppose..well) and he took out his camera and photographed it thinking that it reminded him of "JT's People" as they have often been called by people who knew how I use to paint these kind of overweight folks almost all the time. Well enough for the run-on sentences, I just had to get it out...this painting was the result of that photograph coming into my hands. I let it sit for over two years thinking I didn't really want to paint it. It didn't catch my interest until this guy sent word back to me that he'd like me to at least try and draw it, these were my people afterall. So I did. Then I found a way for him to get a look at it and I heard through the old fashion grapevine that he liked it. He was right it was an easy to draw composition for me, but its taken at least another year before I painted it. And this is it, "Red's Eats" The actually painting took just a few hours to do. For some reason I find it easy to do this style of painting which I call simply my "caricature style". If you look back a few years one might find a few caricature styled paintings, it use to be the only thing I painted in PAFA art school I went to in Philly. Old styles never really die I suppose, I guess if they are well done they don't. That's a nice thought. I hope my friend gets to see this post and most of all this painting sometime.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene