The Rose Hill Market

I am slowly building up a collection of important structures in Charlottesville, afterall I lived in that city for 34 yrs without leaving it very often so I think it fits to remember it in oils. This painting is a little local market on a very busy wide avenue near but not on a downtown street. The fella in the window is a character who is their whenever the door is open and he is the owner, proprietor of the Market. Its nothing fancy mind you however he does have the essentials on hand. He runs a clean Market, not corncob pipes for sale either over or under the counter. Its been handy for me to run in with our students on a hot day and have a soda or waterbottle cold and frosty. The actual image of him in the window doesn't do him justice due to the fact that I painted him to be such a small figure, he doesn't really stand quite like that, but he does stand in the window on many a day and simply peer out watching whatever happens to be passing by. Lots of people and traffic do pass by, but he fills his time with this style of entertainment, I guess you could consider it as his 'TV' station on the air 24/7 I did ham up the color of the Market but what do you expect an artist to do with an item like this, leave it a flat greenish mud color, noooo way!!! The enjoyable parts of this for me were the windows and all the variety with in them, the various signs and the numbers of window sills all interesting to work out with my paints and brushwork. I had a good time working it out. And now its done! Signed! and will be Delivered sometime later on.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene