Wooden Ship Redux

I'm currently working on an oil but I had time to review older pen and inks last night here. My interest was piqued by one of an "Wooden Ship" that I began work on over a year ago. I wanted to add some interesting details in order to bring it to life it didn't seem done, there was something that said "yet undone" Some drawings lye about for a good amount of time and they simply down draw much interest in oneself to look at them. The reason can sometimes be that they aren't finished yet and they ought to be put back on the drawing board. I did that with this one of a 'Wooden Ship' and certainly what I did afterwards was worth it in my humble opinion. What you see is the final work, before this endpoint it lacked something one just can't put into words, but it was something important..not everything is describable in words, sometimes we just know. Hope you like it.


What Has Worked;

Drawing of South St w Balloons

Remains of an Early Virginian Church

WCNA 35 in Philadelphia

Figures 'n Buildings

Poe's Lighted Scene