
Showing posts from 2009

Our First Decade of the New Millennium is Done

One morning where destiny is thought about seriously is tonight. Many reflect on what's been but I find myself planning for what can be ahead. Afterall, we can't do anything about the past but we can learn a great deal of how to work in our future from what has gone on in our past. So I find myself planning. What am I to paint? What am I to do if I loose my job because of budget shortfalls? What should I just keep doing because it's working for me? And maybe most of all "how can I be of service to the still suffering...." ? New Year's Eve, it didn't ever mean much to me when I was getting loaded. Now, it's become and interesting model for looking at my own history and moving on with it in mind. Our first decade of our new millennium, how unique the marking of time's passing is for me to witness. I didn't plan to be here, but I am thankful that I am.

It's Over, Let It Go

That storm was fun now that I can look back on it, now that we're done digging ourselves out of it. A lot of it is still on the ground but at only half the depth that it had been four or five days ago. It's just now getting plowed off our local small side street. But that's ok, we've already dug out most of the backyard getting out cars out of this part of town. It's was quite a sight to be sure. Now I have a slight idea of what people in Buffalo go through only they do this every wintertime from all that lake effect snow from Lake Erie. It's good to be done with it. But it also was a weather event I won't soon forget. It's the same with my adolescent sentimental memory of the Blizzard of 1962 when I walk off to the Potomac River to sled down virgin hills of snow on the George Washington Parkway all by myself. It was one memory that hasn't ever left me in technicolor optics within my inner-eye.
Parents and Kids Had the Best of Times After The Blizzard With this snowfall I saw people really enjoying their time with their kids out on the streets. Traffic was at a standstill and the winter season came with the entering of snow into our neighborhood picture. And the first thing done by our community was the parents took their kids out for what kids do in the snow the best, the sledding took over our streets and hills. Parents escorted them and I know they enjoyed watching them scale the hills and jump on the boards skidding down the runs.
One way to Navigate the Streets This Morning On my walk around my part of town this morning I saw a lot of stuck and snowbound cars but with these guys well needless to say they had no trouble getting around the streets on their ATV's. It was a fun event yestereday for me, I was on winterbreak from the schools. All I had to do was stay indoors and sit it out. I watched a film "Mirrormask" which turned out to be cut short when we lost power. In four hours it came back on. I was able to warm up and finish the film before heading to bed. I enjoyed getting up and heading out for a walk with my camera after shoveling ourselves out.

Blizzard In Belmont, Charlottesville,Va.

We're Covered w The White Stuff Today. This is my backyard and there is a stairway under their somewhere buried under some of that white snow. I think I'll be stepping carefully on the way out later on. We only have sixteen inches here but on the other side of the Blue Ridge Mtns they have twenty seven recorded inches at Sherando State Park. That's snug tucked up against the western edge of the Blue Ridge Mtns near Waynesboro,Va. The schools just we let out for the winter break yesteday and no more than a few hours later this weather began to fall upon us. The officals say it's the largest snowfall ever that located itself in this part of Virginia that could be found in their records. But those records only go back to the ninteen sixties so I don't know how much creedence I would give that claim. It sure is nice though that we finally have some of the white stuff slowing things down. For me at least, it's a lot of fun. So fa...
We're snowed in today...and it just grand to be stuck today. Happy Holidays and may many cheerful feelings come your way.
This is just a classic view of a dessert bar in a local shopping mall. I couldn't help but think of a current artist (Thym? or something like that) and his view of the pastery bars in the local bakeries up in NYC. He painted those desserts with such gusto that I could help but be reminded of him when I spotted this scene today. It's a wonderful thing, desserts in restaurants are such delights. Even with the colors used in making and their presentation.

The Best Donut You'll Ever Have

One of the very best features of the southside of Charlottesville's Belmont section might be "Sputnuts". Which is a chain restaurant that makes it's very own receipt of potato flowered donuts. If you've never had one your in for a treat. They are excellent and people make a line out the door to get them. The place which I have often been to is very popular with our hometown crowd, it opens early and closes by noon everyday. It's original owner Richard, passed away after many many years of performing his early morning magic at this unique atmosphere. To our delight his lovely daughter has taken over the continued running of the eatery to our delight. She could usually be seen at work in the backroom kitchen of Richard's own "Spudnuts" for all the years I've been to the place. They don't cost much, about a "fin" for a dozen of regulars, but your mouth won't let you stop putting more and more of them into it...

Down in Fifeville during the 1980's and 90's

I've been looking through some older drawings . I really didn't get a lot from them that I can show with confidence but there are a few. One has to go through a process in order to get to "the good stuff" but I did do the footwork to get to where I am today. This drawing is one I did only a few years ago as I was living near the downtown area and a section known as "Fifeville". It's housed both the working class, African Americans and otherwise has had to have much of it torn down due to street changes and old dwelling becoming just too old to stand. One was a house I lived in and painted in, it was located on King Street. I lived their from 1979 or so ( I remember the new Pope was named the day I moved in which was Pope John Paul II at the time) until I was hospitalized for my addiction and usage of drugs until I went off. I don't do that anymore but I did and it was a part and parcel of my existence during my active days of my addictio...
Fifeville by John J. Trippel via Artbreak - Share and sell art online

A Sunday Morning Tradition

The time goes on. I use to be one to go out for the Sunday Morning Buffet with the all you can eat portion being one of it's main attractive features. I'd load up my plate and sit with my buddies and devour the Sunday papers with my eggs, and stuff of all kinds until I was stuffed. I enjoyed doing that after a night of partying but that was thirty or more years ago, now I just sleep late. I don't party either. But the tradition of Sunday breakfast and the paper goes on despite me not being a part of it. It was fun. I got to have a few laughs with my friends and I think that meal helped me survive my drinking and partying back then with some good food and reasonable conversation. The other Sunday morning, I was able to draw this group at their Sunday breakfast tradition happening across the street from my drawing pad.

Hurricane Ida and Drawing this Month

With all this rain , you'd think all of our problems would be solved. But no, the creeks around here have risen, the tree limbs are falling all around and we've gott'n our first dose of cold wet weather for the season. But that's ok. We needed it after-all, water is a necessity and having it fall and replenish the land and it's creeks and tributaries is a wonderful gift. It simply can put one in a down mood and as long as the creeks don't rise all too far as they did here in 1963 with Camile well we'll be ok. I wasn't here then but I do know how it hurt people and their families in Central Virginia. The good thing for us is that the worst part of this storm of Ida has past and we have a sunny warm day ahead this weekend. I'm looking forward to a day of sunlight and seventy degree weather. It's be rare that we've been able to enjoy such a day this month so far. I think we've had one, maybe two days such as those this month....

We Made Our Expressive Statement Today

Expression is one of the Constitutional beauties of our country. Today, at the Writing Wall just outside of our City Hall is our place of group conscious our place of democratic chances and proverbial "shout outs" where we met this morning and placed a drawing with meaning on it. Ours was a statement of an upcoming film event that features people of all ages with disabilities called "The Sprout Film Festival'. Here one can see we students of Post High putting the final touches on our visual expressive statement. Too bad not everyone I met agrees with our ability to do so, but what are ya gonna do?

What I've Learned

I often wonder where and what my brothers from the early days are doing or thinking and the internet has been wonderful to be able to grant me answers to finding some of those guys and women. It all changes. That's what keeps it all so interesting. Many friends from that period of my life are in the west or on a island of one kind or another. The thing is I remained nearby. I'm not sorry for doing so, because I'm able to know where things are and how to get to them. The enjoyable event for me is having learned how to put together a decent painting. I really don't need to go anywhere else in order to do this little miracle. I'm thankful to my teachers for this wonderful ability. I may not be the very best at doing so but I am able to please myself at times... and I'm a tough critic of the visual arts.

Asian Specialty

The day ended itself with a meal in a Asian Restaurant which was really out of sight, which might have been my best meal in many a days, all to help a still suffering addict get clean. I hope he does, but we did have a great meal with another friend at the table. Many towns don't have the competition for the meal out buck that this town does have going on here but Charlottesville does have a lot of good places to eat out. This restaurant was one of the best I've been to , and it's right across the street from the downtown police station. It's called Asian Specialty and it is special because of it's quality of the food they served. Some of the best oriental food I've had here, it was all made on the premises and not frozen food heated up in a microwave before reaching us. This guy will return.

Fall 09 in Charlottesville

Autumn is here with a touch of winter to boot. It's come a little bit early for this part of the country but it's here none the less, its just not expected that's all. We're having a day of overcast skies with the promise of snow showers tomorrow and snow coming on the other side of the Blue Ridge which is only about a fifteen minute drive from where I am. The chill in the air made one of our students shout out "I smell snow" yesterday morning, and while I couldn't argue with the fact that one could detect the chilly moisture in the gray skies , it still was only forty some degrees outside. I think we just aren't use to the cold yet. This year the summer jumped directly into winter with nothing much in between. It's quite something to behold, one day seventy degrees and clear blue skies and then forty the very next day with heavy rains. One never knows, this sort of thing keeps life interesting at least and I am thankful for t...

A Political View for a Change

We have ways in Virginia, we educate our students with the best demands on their performance and then we hardly pay their teachers for that favor. Our schools of higher learning have some of the best reputations in the nation and the world for that matter. And I rarely get that general minded because I know the world has their ears up whenever that word comes from US (A). But it's true, and our political season is one where the people of Virginia are able to elect the leader of this state one more time. I'm hoping they won't be swayed by talk of lowering taxes so people's votes depend only on having a few more dollars in their pockets. It's happened before with ending our car tax, and sure people got a lower bill but at what expense. Look at what bad shape Virginia's interstate roads are in and look at how paralyzed we are at taking new initiatives in transportation we are as a state. Look at what we get from not paying our fair debt, we are pay...

How Am I Going to Work Tomorrow or even TodaW

The days are shorter, the air feels like the air conditioner is on. The sun doesn't even seem nearly as bright or as stinging in it's rays every morning. Getting in the car and driving seems more reasonable when one thinks of putting on layers and biking to work. People who don't even own a bike ask me why I didn't ride to work today? I guess it must have been THE COLD MORNING AIR or perhaps I just wanted to just not put any effort into getting from home to work today. I suppose I shouldn't be so blunt or cold hearted, but then again why shouldn't I , what did others do to cut back on their carbon emissions anyway?
It was a warm morning, the day began with an impressive sunrise only to be continued with a terrific time in school When we went out to clean up our adopted street, I wasn't sure if we could even make a dent. But today, the day after a bus driver said she couldn't see even a spot of trash on the street of ours. And after that morning chore, we went to work at a local golf course. While on the greens we got a really nice cool breeze from a passing storm. Although the storm looked impressive there was no sound of thunder or flash from lighting. All the employees from the golf course were out doing their various jobs so I didn't see any reason why we couldn't go out and work on filling some divots. We worked for what seemed to be a couple of hot hours. I use the term we loosely because the students did all the bending and shoveling with the spades. I overlooked their work and it was judged to be good by the man who showed us where to work for the day. ...

Ever heard "don't build your hopes up"

  It's funny how as the old saying goes "when the student is ready the teacher will appear" and such an event happened tonight.  I heard just what I needed to hear in order to learn my lesson in relationships.   When it's going on inside my head and not in that outside world, it's open for interpretation by that committee for expected disappointment.   I'm just glad I sort of realized what was up before it bubbled up and popped open leaving me on the post expectation drainooohhh.      I heard it from a good group of people who know me well, better than one expert opinion I heard it from a group of experts just how I think and see events and blow them out of proportion all too well.   Especially when left to myself.      I learned that I will not invest myself thinking I am going to get anything in return whenever there isn't any response from the other party.       The party is over, turn off the lights and shut the door.   

The Trees Are Turning Now

Fall. In this part of the country the trees are just beginning to change their color. Some very dark Alizarin Crimson is beginning to show up on the tops of our trees. It's the start. I am looking forward to the cool breezes and the need to put on some warmer clothes in order to bike ride around. It's just starting. I found myself checking the temperatures today just to see if I need a sweatshirt in order to ride in the evening today. I do so if it seems rather like a clear sky and we're under sixty five. We did have lower temps but the skies were cloud covered tonight. I wore my shorts and a nice shirt on my ride and I was just fine. The nice thing is on a bike one heats up under a sweatshirt so it become a comfortable manner of both traveling and also being outdoors all in one. I'm thankful to be living outside of the crowded cities where one is always near choking smoke from traffic. Granted it was a lot worse years ago when I lived in Philly...

Harmonica Man In Charlottesville

I enjoyed drawing this man down on the downtown mall. He is an interesting guy, in one sense it's bizarre that he's on his own just playing his heart out but in another sense he's doing what he loves. The nice thing is that he's a man who can make sense itself when one speaks with him. He's not full of bitterness as many homeless men tend to be. He's actually a nice guy who is contained in his conversation and yet is interesting in his verbal content without going tangential as I tend to do myself. I was able to get a couple of nice drawings of him done while I sat near him. He played as I drew him which was appropriate for me.

Street Music

A lot of money is made in music today, but my hat's off to those street musicians who play for donations all across this country. I met one today on our Downtown Outdoor Mall. He plays the harmonica and he's a nice fella who is from California. I sat nearby and drew him. He's been in our town for a few years now, and I just never had the nerve to speak to him, but today was different. While I drew him I noticed that he has been really seasoned by being exposed to the out of doors. His fascicle lines are really deep, but his face looked healthy although tired. He plays almost all day long and most everyday. His hair is among the longest I've ever seen, he wears it in "dreadlocks" which flow over his shoulder on down his back to his ass and beyond. The fella can play though, he belts out one tune after another. He occasionally takes a break but he's in his spot for an entire day playing his harmonica with a small amp and speaker....


Whatever happened to phone etiquette? Did it die and good clean death or what? People can be a real novelty when it comes to the way phones are used today. It's become an Anything Goes kind of a world with regards to talking on the phone in public. And while we're on (a rant that is) it, have you noticed all the shadows appearing on the walls where public phones use to hang. There going the way of the station-wagon, to the graveyard, I'm seeing society change all around me and the hardest thing to do is to adjust to them. It can be done. And I will, I can, and I'll enjoy it too.

The Making of A Good Painting

Paintings come and paintings go but sometimes I'll hook onto a good one, I think this fourth attempt of rendering Gibson's Grocery's in Belmont is the best I've done during this summers outdoor work. The subject of a local market place is a location where the community meets to pick up various items lent itself to the feeling I had when painting it. Since living here in C'ville, the markets were always a place where people often would run into their friends picking up something for the house. Because I often would hoist a cold one once in a while I often ended up in this corner market picking up a sixpack. So I am familiar with the layout of the place, because writers are told to work on things that they know best by way of events that they participate in and places where they often go, I found this building to be enjoyable to paint. That's mostly why I painted it so much this summer. It has some interesting features in it's make up: the ...

Paint'n Belmont

I just got back and rested after finishing up on another painting of Gibson's Market here in Charlottesville. It's my third canvas this summer alone. This one is a rather larger canvas around three foot square ruffly. It took eight hours of painting time, and hours of preparation time and lest we forget clean up time. But as I tell many people who ask "how long did it take you to paint it?" it's not the time that I like to keep track of, it's more like loosing oneself into the process or painting and thus loosing track of time itself when one is truly immersed into the painting of the canvas. If you not then I'd say your doing something wrong and missing the point of the self-expression of the making of art. So right now, I'm able to relax a little and my painting is baking in the trunk of my little car out in the hundred or greater degree heat in order to dry the paint so it doesn't run when I have it upright. I followed my paintin...

A Little Holiday Up North

Thankful for a safe return to Central Virginia from Berkeley Springs West Va., I've gott'n some rest today. But where I went, I had a good chance to enjoy the serenity of the "woods" on a friends property and his new house. I hadn't seen him in a couple of years so it was good to catch up on old and new times, he had since become a husband and a homeowner. I played ping pong with him, his wife and a younger friend, it was just great to get beaten once again by the master. Actually, I played better than ever, and only lost by a slim margin against a lifetime champ on his own German made professional table, so I don't think I did so bad. The fun thing was seeing his new home and enjoying a totally silent night before falling asleep in the guest-room. I even got to do a drawing of not only his new house but also a comic drawing on his bathroom wall. It was his own idea and he left markers in that same bathroom so guest could draw or write to thei...
Star Theater by John J. Trippel via Artbreak - Share and sell art online

Gibson's Market

I'll be headed up to the wild and wonderful hills of Berkeley Springs once again to visit my good friend from my early college days Dan. It seems like he wants me to paint a canvas of his new home he has had built on his property. So I will bring along a small canvas and a drawing pad and see what is up with that whole idea. Not to say that will do it, I really don't know what Dan usually has in mind until I talk directly with him. He's always the one for "special favors" and that's certainly ok, he's earned it with the friendship we had back in the day. I also have been painting a lot this summer and it's gone well. Last week I finished two painting on Monday and Tues of the Gibson's Market store that is a landmark if one ever has been to this part of Charlottesville, it's always mentioned in the directions' one might give a stranger if they wanted to go to Belmont or anywhere in Belmont. I enjoyed painting it and I was able t...

More to Come in Belmont

I get to mess around a little more tomorrow with my paints and canvas. I will be working on a local Belmont spot that I use to stop in to get a six-pack and a homemade ham sandwich. Since those times the owner has moved on, sold the store, and is now near his end. He heard from his son, that I had done a painting of his store and the both of them were amazed that I would paint their store. I made a three foot square painting of and it was bought by the City of Charlottesville which hung it in the Parks and Rec Dept in the city hall annex. It was their that Gibson's son saw it. They called me and it inspired me to do another version of it which I will start by drawing it tomorrow. Soon I will get to work on a small oil and I'll reassess it after that to see if I want to try another small painting or maybe work on a larger one. I'll wait to see how it goes this coming week. I am thankful I've had a good summer working in oils this summer. I plan to keep ...

Paint'n Belmont

I've been work'n on the outdoor painting scenes this summer, yesterday I finished a nice small one of the local spot called "The Belmont Market" and it went well. It took about eight hours of actual painting time. But it's looking good and it only get's better the more I see it. I started out this summer with drawings then I put my brush to the canvas starting with "Spudnuts". The place is known for it's potato flour donuts which I too am an avid fan on any given morning when their flavors come wafting out of this spot. How couldn't I end up starting this summer's work of Belmont without it being first. The previous and first owner of Gibson's Groceries is now very ill. His son happened to see my painting of his local store inside Parks and Rec Dept in the City Hall Annex. His son happened to give me a call and this coming Monday I will be headed out once again to paint it. I'm looking forward to it. I've pai...

Paint'n and Stuff

It's been an interesting and somewhat busy, productive day. I finished on painting of Belmont BBQ, got a preliminary drawing of a new restaurant opening in this area by the name of "Tavola" and then pulled out a canvas and got the start of a new painting underway. There is still daylight left to do more if I so choose, but I think just kick'n back for a while aught to work. I was down in the heart of Belmont, which has become my favorite place to set up and paint this summer. I've gott'n some good work out of all the new buildings that have a new home in Belmont, but I also enjoy some of the older ones too. I can say, the work still is look'n good to me. But now it's time to celebrate the Fourth with some friends I haven't seen in a while but with whom I feel a fondness for none the less. I am thankful for a country where I can paint as I please wherever I please without fear of retribution of any kind for what I love doing. Ma...

More Work: It's Been A Labor of Love

I've been doing some preliminary drawing of sites I want to paint before diving into the oils. I am able tso retouch them once I get home into something that can be seen as worthwhile if one is to favor pen and inks. I enjoy pen and ink on some good paper. I am working on these terrifically well done and new buildings that have come from the ashes of the little section of town that I live in called Belmont. They are good studies of these redone buildings, and a few of the people who are now coming to this part of town in search of something to eat. This quest to paint these buildings is taking up a good deal of my time this summer painting season, and it's proving to be a good thing. I have enjoyed the results of my oils have given me, but I have yet to even photograph them. My drawings are much easier to put into digital form so I am post them right now. More to come in short order, just give me time because right now the thing is to draw, paint and pai...

Working in the Art of Painting

Working on paintings can be exhausting but rewarding if one likes the progress one makes in a day's work. Yesterday's work was good. I finished one complete painting in two and a half hours out in the streets and then touching up the loose ends for about another half hours at home. I am not looking for perfection however I am looking for good quality so I am not pushing myself to just produce new paintings but to produce fully developed paintings which atmosphere, use of light and content relevant to this area of the city. This part of town is in a Renaissance of sorts, since many of the older buildings have gone through a rebuilding phase and the installation of new businesses once they are done and renewed. The good thing is in the renewal no established members of the community have been displaced by it. These rebuilt stores are very scenic and colorful additions to the "downtown Belmont" area cityscape which in turn pulls me like a moth to an open ...

Plan'e Air Painting

This summer has been cool so far, but today was my first time in a while where I was outside drawing and I felt like it was time to quit because I was too hot. So it's finally hot, I continued anyway and got a nice drawing of Locol and a new shop beside it that has yet to open. I posted it. I am thankful to have made the acquaintance of a graduate of Chicago Art Institute at the Virgina Artist in Action Gallery. He's retired and lives just south of here in Nelson County. His name is David Golden Jr. and he and I talked. He was good enough to remind me of a few steps in painting that I had forgone for the sake of "getting it done and getting right to it", but they are important steps that a painter shouldn't overlook. I have been. So I made note of them and now am incorporating them into my painting routine. It's working out well. One important one is to make a preliminary sketch before committing to painting a canvas. This has been a ...

"Spudnuts" the work of art to come

Painting the favorite spot for a nasty but groovie breakfast that only C'viller's could enjoy, that being "Spudnuts", everyone who simply walks by it's doors is taken in by it's trademark donuts. I was able to stand outside if it this and yesterday morning painting while people stopped to see how I was doing, they all talked about "how good they are", and everyone I talked to had already had their morning "fix" (if you will) of their potato flour donuts. It truly is a joy to be working on memorializing their building once again with a work of art. I really like the place and the people who have been frequenting it for years, lifetimes and those who have just discovered it. And, it's a fun building to paint with it's huge signs and open windows to see into the shop. I am working on a small canvas right now, but I will post the preliminary drawing which I did yesterday. Enjoy a food that is just not redeeming in any...

Sketching to Prepare for What's to Come

A new summer to live through is just the beginning but I have the very best feeling for the promise of my art this summer. Although I am not painting right now, I am doing art. I've discovered that doing some preliminary drawings before committing to a canvas is the way I'm going to start this summer's art season. I am taking my drawing book along on my daily journeys, and it's paying off big time. I know as long as I don't wait too long I will benefit from taking a good look at buildings and such that I might be painting before I do them in oils. A study is a time when one draws or works in charcoal before painting and it's also a time to take a closer, and more in depth look at subjects or in this case buildings and cityscape's. It's quick... and I can step back and then go further into them...I can take them home and work on shading or crosshatching and such techniques before they are "done". It works quite well ...

Ryan's Passing

With the passing of a good student of mine in a rather sudden and unexpected manner, my life is on a pause cycle for the moment. I'm assessing the life I have and I see where the gifts are and how the gifts are ongoing in this process of what we call Recovery. I'm not sure how or why but life does go on no matter what, and we are only a small part of a group of people with whom we interact. Life does continue with us or without. But the people we touch do take the time to remember us if we and when we leave them. This I know. So it is that I remember a student I had named Ryan. I will occasionally stop and think well of he and I. People live, people die and people move on, but while we are here we can try to make a good impact on our friends, fellow travelers, students and co-workers, I think I enjoy letting on what has worked best for me in life's activities with my students perhaps best of all. But it comes in as a close second to making a painting onsite...

looking Ahead to Post High Graduation 09

      It's been a good weekend .   Since I was quite sick Friday and Saturday both Sunday and today have been really enjoyable in that I've been feeling much better and doing a lot more.   I reworked an old painting and then I prepared another painting for a collaborative effort that we will do this week at school.   I will have the help of an Afghanistan refuge who is interested in what I do.   We've made a few canvases together on the theme of 'kites' and this is another one, but its more developed than the previous ones.   I'm looking forward to going to work and finishing it with him this week.       We also have graduation at our school branch this week.   A real thrill to be sure.  A young man will be graduating who I have worked with for the past eight years.   As a graduation present I am giving him and his mom a painting of Post High which is the painting I reworked this weekend to give it a special touch.   I'm hoping he will remember his time her...

12-1 Cavaliers vs Duke

Mann I could believe the way those baseball boys of summer played ball today at Davenport Stadium here in Charlottesville. They were excellent to say the very least about them. I sat with a friend who was nice enough to remind me that there were going to be games this weekend, and that they would miss me if I chose to do other things. Well after a minutes thought, I went. It was impressively incredible to watch the athletic abilities of these young men perform against another ACC rival which was Duke. They blew it wide open in the seventh with a grand slam homerun by Jarrett Parker who by doing so improved his RBI to 53 for the season so far. It ended with Duke (who was proving itself to be a good opponent with a win two days before and only loosing by one run in close one the day before) loosing it 12-1. This is a young team, and I'm looking for a lot more to come next year. Today they retired three jerseys and said goodbye to three outstanding players who will no...

Workouts and Health

It's a hot hot day, but nice none the less when you consider the colder weather we just got through. I was able to enjoy a full week of work. I actually enjoy my job and I don't regret being on the job from day to day. My best enjoyment besides painting is jumping on my bike and riding off to the gym, working out and then riding on back home. A cool wet shower is what follows. I use to hate "jocks" who enjoyed such things as exercise but today it's my turn and it's not a bad lifestyle to be "into". The joy is that it makes you feel good for doing it, for being active can actually make one "feel good". Another side benefit is good health. Health problems seem to go by the wayside when one exercises regularly and for a good enough amount of time per day or as I do every other day. For I believe the body needs a slight amount of rest between workouts, so I take every other day off to rest myself. It seems to work for ...

CPRCNA XXIIII in Ocean City, Md

The 23rd CPRCNA in Ocean City Maryland this past weekend was awe inspiring for me. The speakers were of the best quality and shared very highly motivating spiritual principals of our program with we who were willing to sit in a workshop. I enjoyed the main speaker as well on Saturday night. I've been in a room with over two thousand Recoverying Addicts before but there were many more than that in attendance during the main speakers talk with us. The main speaker was from the west coast and brought with him a new version of sharing with the experience of having worked our program for many many years, and he was by no means perfect, no he was very real with us. Nothing could have been more helpful to me last weekend than to hear how he's done it. He's been sponsored by men who quite literally wrote the Basic Text, and help found NA in California back in the early 1950's. And you know, he was very youthful in his attitude and approach to 'wh...