
Showing posts from 2007

Thinking A Little Ahead, just for planning

An old long enduring year comes to a close and new possibilities open up with the start of a New Year starting tonight. It's all looking like a good one to come. I have some good ideas for coming paintings, I think I got a good lead on subject matter for my work. I am planning to do a number of paintings focusing on my father's Japanese photographs that he took while we lived in Kamahura and I was but a new guy on the block. I have done four so far and I am happy with the results. I'm hoping to get a good number of them together and then put on a show of them as a group with copies of the original photos just beside them with a short description of what's going on within the photo or what I might remember of the time when it was taken. While painting I could sometimes remember what the weather was like that day or what it sounded like when that photo was taken. All the memories were gone until I began studying them when I was painting, then some "flashback...

Open House '07 at Post High

I'd have to say that I enjoy our Open House at the school house I work at more and more every year. I've only been there for four years now but I enjoy this time more than most any other time of year because of all the returning students and because I know the new students that we have because I've worked with them at one time or another since September. It's a celebration where we invite any and all who would like to see our program and it's quarters up-close and personal as easily as opening the door and coming in. We throw a party more or less, and we have a good time with staff and students alike. All the teachers go all out getting out their best dishes and cuisine for this occasion. All in all it's a good time. I took pictures this year and I have put one on the heading of this posting. If it wasn't for the joyfulness with which I work, I don't think I would have been working nearly as long as I have during this past decade.

Remembering Heavy Snows at Christmas in Va

Getting ready for the Holiday of Christmas reminds me of my parents and the good times we had during those days back in the nineteen sixties in Alexandria Va when the snow covered the cars. We were socked in and it was warm with the Tree's lights just shinning on the snowdrift right outside our bay window in the middle of the night at Christmas time. What a memorable site it was for me as a teenager to see and enjoy, one of those "Kodak Moments" I suppose, either way I do remember how beautiful those nights and days of the heavy snows were for me. I had a great deal of fun going out and walking our family dog in the seemingly huge snowdrifts when he would jump in and out of the snow playing leapfrog from spot to spot just for the hell o' it. I heard that Massachusetts is getting that kind of snow tonight. I wish I was in it in some weird moments, but then I remember that I moved here because the harsh winter weather of just three hundred miles north of here in...

College Bound, wouldn't it be good if...

I believe education should reach the Disabled and Handicapped as it does all those who are able bodied and mentally sound. Colleges and Universities aught to open their doors to students with disabilities who otherwise won't be exposed to the knowledge taught to others who pay the price of admission. I feel testing could be altered to be appropriate for that population or no testing at all but an introduction to the subjects taught to other students. I think the students I teach would really get a lot out of the learning process on the college level. Art could be taught by having the students exposed to slides and videos of art and artist of days gone by and could be given a chance to work with the same materials that able bodied students work with in the classroom today. The students would be given a parentage of tuition since they will not get a degree but could be given a certificate of accomplishment granted by a University or College they have attended. I don...

Thanksgiving in Earlysville Va

A noteworthy Holiday, since I saw my friend and co-artist from this area who is also involved in VSA his name is Chris Wharam and he's a good man. I was able to sit and enjoy a good dinner thanks to his Mom Peggy, and watch a little football on his new HDTV. The reception was a little ruff due to the high winds, it seems to interfere with his satellite hookup. I was glad to have a reason to get out of town for a while, the sky was unique and shown sunlight on the rust colored leaves as I rode out to Earlysville where Chris lives. I got a lot of painting done too, I finished another canvas and I will begin another soon. I will be photographing it as soon as the weather permits. The photo on this blog is from a farm across the street from where Chris and his family live. It was an interesting composition so I snapped it. I'm enjoying the end of the Holiday and to tell you the truth I'm ready to get back to work.

What a Good Day For a Feast

I enjoy the Holiday's but they seem so empty of people. The town empties out because everyone is with there family outside of this place at least this place is emptied out. I'm not feeling alone though. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving feast at my workplace with our students. It was the very best meal of the year for me. Our staff puts it together and they do an outstanding job every year. I get away with buying some freshly made rolls from a local bakery. It's not much in comparison to others efforts in making the feast as good as it is but it is enjoyed none the less. It really great to see our students all together eating, talking and enjoying some really good food. I am headed out to Earlysville to enjoy another feast today with an artist friend and his family. I will be fun. Ten of my paintings will be featured in a show called "Comic Apparition" at a restaurant in Richmond by the name of "Positive Vibe " that is run (all emplo...

Japanese Pigeons

I'm working on a new painting dealing with some school girls and guys feeding the pigeons in an open area. The Japanese didn't mess with changing the pigeons habits by putting up electric fences on their buildings to electrocute them like they did in Philadelphia when they got tired of clean up their s--t. I always wanted to catch one of those fast little bird when I was in Japan and before I left that town, a man noticed my desire to hold one of them and he caught one and gave it to me to hold. I remember thinking "it's not what it's cracked up to be holding on to this mess of a bird" I lost my need to catch one after that experience. But I had my picture taken with the bird by my Dad who happened to be with me at the time. One of those things we all can learn from I guess is getting just what we asked for, it can cure you of the desire entirely.

Stop and Realize What We're A Part Of Here

Tomorrow local elections take place in this fair city. The surrounding county also is holding elections for their board of supervisors which is pretty important seeing how this area is facing so much growth. It's a good place to live but if it gets too crowded it's not going to give us anything but headaches to live with on a daily basis. I'm hoping that somehow someone will realize that if new people move in here they need to have enough of a network of support for these new people meaning roads, schools, water treatment and all that means less green areas. We need to stop and look at what green areas can turn into growth areas and which never should. The main thing is "where are these people who are to move into these new homes and condos be coming from?" or is this wasted building. I see those condos built behind the West Main Street train station and no one is moving into those places. They haven't had much new people in them for the last t...

The Painting of "Japanese Buddhist Celebration" is Done

I finished the painting I've been working on all this month and some of last, it's titled "Japanese Buddhist Parade: 1954" and it's take from a photo my Father took while we lived in Kamahura Japan during my upbringing. We lived their about six years altogether and it was the greatest education is living with people of different origins than my own. I had Japanese friends and playmates, I spent sometime in Japanese homes with my playmates and was invited to dinner just by myself. I enjoyed having friends who were different than me, we did the usual kids stuff. It was during the beginning of my life so it made a big impression on me. When I discovered that only five year prior we had been at war with Japan it helped me realize that War is evil, and we can be friends with those we hate if we just open up and communicate. I know it was the Japanese who began it, but they too need to open up and commmunicate with others. Well, let me get off my soapbox and ba...

Working With Love in One's Heart

Greeting everyday with an open mind and a cheerful heart can sometimes be daunting, but today I was in a good way. Earlier this week I couldn't say that but this morning I awoke to a bright sunlight coming thru the window and a good feeling in my heart, so exercising looked like a good activity to get into, I think the air being cleaned by yesterday's rain really helped me feel good this morning too. Rain has become rare in this little corner of the world, so it's a welcome event whenever it arrives. Many of my co-workers were openly thankful for yesterday's weather event of rain. And even though we need much more than an brief shower or two, we were all thinking of how we can't take our supply of water for granted. Our school is doing well, many of the students like their jobsites and work assignments are going well for most of our students. I'm thankful for working with a couple of star students who really do their respective jobs as well as they can...

Philosophy of Painting For Me at Least

"Time is a hero" I like that verse in a Little Feat song who's name escapes me at this time, but time being a human measurement method of marking changes is nice when you have it on your side. Problem is to realize it, that's a whole other matter. When I was young I knew it was really great to be 21 and I didn't have a clue as to my future but as it turns out back then there were no clues available at that time as to my future. I would change homestates and change friends I hung around with, plus I would change jobs and I had no idea that I would return to school to get my BA. If it had been shown to me (back then) just how my future would go, I think I would have balked at living threw it all. One thing has remain thru it all and that is my painting. I have kept up with my artwork. I got my degree in it from two schools so I think it is worth my time to keep up with doing it on a regular basis. I know doing something everyday in a practice of my cr...

Painting: I Finally Have The Time

Having work take over my life as it has I don't get much time to enjoy my new camera but I will have more newer photos soon. I have taken some photos just not many and my artwork has had to stop for the time being. I will take up the brush tomorrow afternoon after I get my recycled junk to the Recycling Center. Then I might have some time to myself and thereby some time to paint. I love my painting time, it's become a real joy. I am liking the results of my efforts, which really hasn't happened since I was in artschool back years ago. I'm hoping to enjoy my pallet tomorrow and to go about it in a slow and deliberate way. I'm that kind of painter today. I've tried a lot of different methods just for the fun of it and the way I enjoy applying paint the best is when I am careful and deliberate in my application of it. I use to draw a pencil sketch before beginning to paint but I no longer find that to be necessary. I go right to the paint brush when ...

Good Clear Air Today

I am back to work with regards to my oil painting. My elbow is doing much better although I can still feel a strain on it after exercising or painting for an hour. No matter, it feels well enough to put up with for now. I am beginning another Japanese Buddhist painting, one with a lot of movement of people. I'm hoping to take my time and give it the attention it deserves because after all, it will remain in this world long after I leave it. What good weather for photographing the outdoors. Although we need the rain, I can't complain about being uncomfortable in the outdoors today. With the clear sunlight, it's just perfect to photograph items and get some good pure colors to register well. This type of weather is why I like living here. Nothing like seeing the mountains as clearly as you can today, it seems like you can make out each and every leave on trees miles away on a mountainside in the clear air that we have today. I will be heading out now for a walk...

Artwork is Posted

New art is up on my site !! I hope you will have a look at the finished state of my Japanese painting. I took photographs along the way of it's creation so there is a step by step photojournal if you will of it being made. There are also more photos of my pen and inks. I'm feeling better. I'm following doctors orders and resting. My arm feels much better day by day I'm getting a little better and I'm thankful I'll be able to get back to the gym. I'm headed to Staunton today to bring a painting over for sale. If all goes well I should have a check and a new home for a still-life. Working is going well. We're doing our dishwashing than'g on a daily basis. Back to work I go!

I'm getting better, I'm telling you the truth....

Feeling better after this longtime bout with tennis elbow, I'm beginning to feel better. It's been a week since I did anything substantial with this arm of mine and I know it's helped me. One more week of rest then it's back to the pallet and canvas once again. The hard thing will be not to overdo it again, it's like what my father used to say about things going in one ear only to come out the other. Sometime's it can seem like life is going that way. I have some plans for where I want to go with my painting. Since this break in the action is mandatory I will use it to plan for my next paintings. Today I got word that one of my paintings in Staunton was sold. I kept the price low because it was a small painting and it didn't take much to do any of those little ones so why make someone pay a lot for it. Well, I'm sure there will be much to do outside of any artwork this weekend, so I think I'll get to it starting now.

Painting is Finished, but Now What?

I have had to let off painting due to a reoccurring "tennis elbow". I did finish the painting I was working on and it turned out much to my liking as you can see. I'm hoping after resting for a good while to finish building a new canvas for another Japanese theme painting. My work at school is going well, I'm working as a job coach all day. It's good though. I am busy and time is flying by. I'm thankful to be helping the students I have because they are an eager audience and work hard. When I make a criticism of one of their habits they don't give me any lip back to me but try their best to do better. I'm thankful for that, I'm not sure I was that good to my teachers when I was young. I try not to be over critical, but I am as helpful as I can be with working hints since I was a dishwasher for so many years. I will be painting when I am feeling better. I still visit the gym but I am not doing any arm weight resistant exercises...

Japanese Painting is Done

I've been working on a painting this past Holiday and it's of a Japanese scene that my father photographed. I was able to save a few of my Dad's prints in black and white before we had to throw everything away just after his death in 8-6-91. Of the photos I saved I took one and put a canvas together and worked on it. As I was working I kept a photographic journal of the paintings progress. It took a good while to do as anything worthwhile seems to take for me thesedays, but I will document it on my website at a later date. I like the results and I may try doing another painting using one of his photos later on in my time at the easel. It is a challenge to do a color reproduction of a black and white photo, it might be every harder to do one the other way around using a color photo and making a black and white canvas out of it. I don't know, I use to do monochromatic charcoal drawings and they weren't all that hard to do. Well, I'm thinking of h...

Back to the Dishroom

School is happ'n now. My work has changed from painting whenever I wanted to painting when I can find the time. I am glad to be back at work. I will be working up at a cafeteria where the University students eat their meals. I will have two students and we all will be located in the dishroom. I've worked in many a dishroom and cafeteria's always were the best. Lot's of ongoing work to do. Lot's of stuff to get into and this will be no different. I am their to train these two students the in's and out's of cafeteria backroom dishwork, and I will. With a keen eye out for the important things to lookout for, like hot hot water, and systematic use of one's movements to get the maximum amount of things done with as little effort as possible. And to keep showing up day in and day out. It should be good for all of us

Japan's Photos from the 50's

I visited Sinking Springs, Pennsylvania over the summer in August to be exact, there I met an artist friend who gave me an assignment that appeals to me: paint the photos your father took while you lived in Japan. I was in my single digit years when we lived their in the 1950's. My dad took plenty of photos and I have some that I do like and remember what I was doing and feeling back then when the photos were taken. I am in some of them. I decided to paint the most favorable one's first, and I began shortly after returning from Pennsylvania. Nothing like an old friend's advise who knows something about your favorite subject. So, I've begun the canvas and I've promised to work on it whenever I can even if it's only for an hour or so. In fact, I decided to limit my painting time to only two hours or less at anytime I sit down to paint. So far, I've found that my excitement just thinking about what I am going to do when I sit down to paint helps m...

Burning up this Earth; let's cut it out

I'd like to think that this country wants to do something about global warming in a very real way. I am hopeful that these people we elected in Washington can get going on something sooner rather than later. I just read a posting that there will be a summit of somekind in Washington late next month. We do need something big to curb our style of burning stuff and loading the skies with our junk. I have taken a pledge to curb my production of hydrocarbons by using alternative forms of transportation as much as possible in the coming years. After doing this I rode my bike to take care of business for the last two days and I didn't have to drive my car at all in those two days. Today when I did drive, I combined my trips to do chores into one use of my car. I got my laundry, workout at the gym, grassraking all done in one trip instead of three separate ones, give me a star. But in all seriousness it is good to do what you can now even if the gas guzzlers still rule ...

Penn Academy of the Fine Art Visit in Philly

I made it up to Sinking Springs Pennsylvania and then into Philadelphia the next day, what a great city! The city was really alive with people and new stores and buildings that I had never seen before. It was really a treat for me. My friends (Mike and Annson) took me to the new school building for PAFA and then into our old classrooms in the Museum building. It was nice to see the classrooms where I worked so hard to "get it right" but I never felt like I did "get it right". But no matter I had the desire to keep working and the teachers were encouraging none-the-less no matter how "bad" I felt my artwork was coming out. I was carefully brought into the creative world during those formative years in the Old Museum Building. I did practice and work everyday I could when I was a student in the certificate program at the Academy. After working on casts, it seemed like I improved in my abilities to bring out something worthwhile because of...

A Return Trip Up North to Penn.

My "tennis elbow" is doing much better. I've been resting it a good deal and it seems to do the trick. I got a short "lite workout" in yesterday and my arm felt just fine. I am thankful because I don't want to give up my exercise because of a faulty joint. I am also getting ready for a trip up north to the Penn Academy of the Fine Arts in Philly, it's where I went to school back in the day. It really showed me how to paint from the ground up which is what I needed at the time. I will be seeing it with a friend who had his studio just across the hallway from me. I'm looking forward to some "Future Shocks" which will no doubt shake my world. They have just moved into a ten story building that was remodeled into artist studios. Previously, the building was a parking garage and I used it when I first visited the Academy in the summer of 1969. I suppose I will be seeing some good artwork and I'm hoping it will inspire me towards g...

Graffiti in Our Little Town

Such a good day for summertime pictures that I went out and walked around Belmont yesterday taking photos of whatever caught my eye. I didn't do this activity when I had a film SLR. I was always concerned,"will it come out?" Today, I can take whatever I want and not worry about wasting film. So I head out just to see what there is to take photos of more often. Yesterday, I happened upon a wall that is used for graffiti. In this town, the street artist stick to this one wall and don't pollute other walls nearby. This wall has been getting "tagged" more often and for a longer time than any other location that I have noticed. I'm grateful for those same artist using just this one wall. Northern cities suffered from overuse of "tagging" and the graffiti was an eyesore and it was everywhere, it was a nuisance up in those northern cities. So, I found that these street artist put a lot of time and energy into painting their im...

O-Hill, the tough trails for today

I went Mountain biking with a friend who is very experienced in it today, I found that my skills were lacking in a few major areas. Like getting over that rock formation or that sapling laying across the trail for instance, well I'll come back another day and have another go at it. Today, well shall I say, "it was a crappy performance on my part" and that has nothing to do with getting a flat. Right! It showed me a good example of what humility is thru my friend's actions and words. He's a truly good mountain biker in every meaning of those two words. It's time for me to lick my wounds and try it again another day. Man I hadn't been on that trail before, I usually took the "easy route". Today, I got a taste of what these riders do on a daily basis, those guys who are in the photos jumping, riding at those crazy paces over that terrain you wouldn't send your worse enemy over in a jeep no less. Well, I'll keep coming back!

Health is improving but still I must wait

I'm feeling much better but I know not to give into my usual activity just because I feel better now, I must wait. When I workout at the gym I always wait between sets and then I wait a little longe. I wait just until I am feeling a good zen breath. I usually wait until I am good and rested. Then I get back into it. In the same manner, I must rest beyond just feeling back to my old self, I must wait another week as directed by those who have better knowledge and understanding of health issues. I mean medical doctors of course, and so I am doing as little excerise as possible for the next week. And when I return, I am going to take the time to do some Qigong excerise/energy meditations sometime during my workweek. I am lucky to have the friends who will be working with me to bring out the very best website for my artwork I've done this summer and previous to this summer too. I will be getting together with him this week, so we can update all the work on it an...

Taking at Easy on a Summer Day

Thankful to be diagnosed with only a case of "tennis elbow" as opposed to a fractured arm, I am relaxing at home today. It's not easy to do just that, it always seems that I have projects on my mind that need my physical attention, but now I am doing my best to have projects where others are the ones doing the work. I went and had my haircut, I read, I surf the web all without much effort on my part. I have found that riding a bike can be done without much effort to one's arms. As long as your don't try a tough climb and downhill afterwards, you can get away with biking and not doing all that much work on your upper body parts. As long as the ground isn't too too varied one can do OK without putting stress on one's upper body. I've enjoyed sightseeing along the Riviana Park bike/hiking trails lately, all without much effort. I can also take photographs just walking around the neighborhood without much effort and I like the results from doing...

A Day Trip

Yesterday I went down to Richmond to visit the British art exhibit at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. It was a nice trip and I was pleased to see all the work done by the Brits. My favorite was the British watercolorist by the name of Rowlongson. He centered in on cariatures and did them quite well and with some wit of observation. What seemed so strange to me what how small all these watercolors were in their size. Tiny works and I imagine it made working very difficult. I prefer working on a size where I can move around and get into it. Working so tiny must have been a cramped feeling for the artist. But no matter they were all really good watercolors. Another artist who impressed me was a fella by the name of Copley. He worked without using any lines, he used the brushstroke to get his effects across. He also used color hues to denote distance and composition, a very good painter to be sure, I'm sure one can see him in other art sources, since I've heard of h...


On a lazy summer day, what better thing to do than relax at poolside. My elbow was hurting from all the paintings I've been doing. As of yesterday, I finished fourteen of them in one month of summer relaxation. A bit more than I could expect to have done when I was planning this summer break from work. I will have them posted soon on my website . Today, I was at poolside at a local club, what a beautiful day to be out and about. Nothing but clear blue above me as I swam the backstroke across the ever so wide pool. I was in and out three times before it was time for me to go. Swimming is such a true joy for me. Thankfully, my parents had me learn how to swim at a summer camp on the Chesapeake Bay way long ago and today you can't get me out of the water until I hear the car engine start in the car I came in. Tomorrow it's back to the humdrum of my life here in town. Nothing wrong with it, I'm enjoying my painting and going to the gym is just great, but i...

Painting in the Public Domain

I've been busy painting outdoors. Yesterday, I packed up my easel and paints put on my backpack with the easel on it and walked to the downtown mall. I arrived about nine thirty am and got to work after setting it all up. Many people stopped to comment and offer supportive comments about the start of the painting. I was working on the Miller's bar and buildings headed westward from their on, I included a couple of people in it too boot, the thing was I was filmed by some group that came back later and had me sign a release form and I was photographed by tourist and others who just happened upon me while I was working on my painting. My work progressed to a good stopping point and I plan to finish what I've done at home. Some people to whom I talked I never saw because I was paying attention to what I was painting not to whom I was talking to at the time. I was looking at the buildings and what I was doing on the canvas so I have very little idea as to what or who the...

Cleveland Ohio and Dan's wedding

During this past weekend I was up in Cleveland at a wedding of a lifelong friend of mine. He's over sixty years old and he has just got'n married once again (only the second time) but this time I think it will stick. It was quiet a wonderful ceremony and reception. During my stay in Cleveland I had a chance to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I really loved the form of the building it is located in on the waterfront of Lake Erie. Inside, there are "cars" that hang from the ceiling and a CD store that is a Classic Rock fans delight. It has most every Classic Rock Band's CDs in stock and ripe for the picking. The museum is ok, they show a film of some of our favorite old time rockers with the additional benefit of showing the Black Blues musicians who were the start of it all. I really enjoyed see those men and hearing their contributions to the music we have today. My good friend had a great ceremony and the best part was seeing people with whom I ha...

Sunday In Harrisonburg

Never spent much time walking around Harrisonburg until this past Sunday when a friend had me a long for a biking trip. He wanted to ride in the "Tour D'Burg" and I went along for company. While he rode with many friends and fellow-cyclist I walked around downtown H'burg. I stopped in a couple of places for coffee and I read the Sunday paper in a typical "diner" atmosphere. Then I went over to the capital building and I spotted a nice little building to sit down in for a while, it turned out to be a spring fountain. There was a sign saying how this spring was a watering hole for Native Americans and animals which became an important spot for the early settlers. It seems this spring became a refreshing spot for settlers who were either traveling up or down the valley and also for people who were going east or west over the mountain passes nearby (where Rt 33 now goes this spring gave them a watering hole. Today, the spring is inside a gazebo type o...

Paintings are Being Worked Upon

It's been indoor weather these last few days here in C'ville, I've been painting a canvas in my apartment. I began it out on a bridge in the heat and I almost passed out from the heat. I got enough done to work at home, once you get a good start one can work the rest of it indoors. If need be I can go back to the site and make mental notes as to what colors are where on the buildings I am painting so I don't have to be out on the site itself for long periods of time. The other art I am have doing has turned out satisfactory to my desires for it. I am pleased to be working in paints once again. I enjoy oils more than acrylics. For me I am better able to handle the plasticity of oils. I know some good processes for blending them whereas with other paints I am not so secure in how to handle them in order to get a desired affect. It's nice to be back in the saddle with my paints, working is a pleasure. I will be posting my artwork on my site soon. U...

Philly vs the Va. Countryside

Reading a blogger in Philadelphia Pa I am filled with thankfullness for the peace of biking in the countryside around here, I am thinking we aren't very full of congestion everywhere we turn as I was in Philadelphia riding my bike. The blog I read was a sorry comment upon the hopelessness of fighting a gallant fight but with little hope of winning the war of bikes against automotive transportation in the big cities. Here in this small town in Central Virginia we are blessed with a rush hours that last about an hour and a half. We can get around most problems in our town, we also have a good number of committed people who bike to get to work or who take a bike instead of driving a belching car. Hurrah for our small town's efforts to be helpful for us to ride instead of drive. I've never looked back since leaving Philly, but in many ways it shows up that I made the right decision to come to Central Virginia. I've never been sorry to have been spending my time ...

Stony Point Loop

Today, I got out of town. I went up to ride a trail with a friend, some paved mountain roads and some dirt. The dirt was the best, it was packed down from recent traffic and rain so it was a nice smooth packed surface for us. Going downhill was a howl maker. The thing was that the road surface would change at an unexpected moment on a downhill run. It would go from packed earth to gravel in a heartbeat and then it became a little trickier to stay upright. Both Chief-John and I made it ok. There were some close calls but we managed. We traveled north of C'ville up across a ridge and then downhill to some pastoral landscapes with horses, longhorn steers and other lovely animals like anti-biking farm dogs. It was all good! It turned out to be a twenty eight mile ride, over two mountain pass roads and along some really nice bottom land. The weather couldn't be beat, it was cool under the canape of tree limbs and there was a dampness in the air. We enjoyed it all...

First Painting of the Summer is Done

It was a successful couple of days painting up on Pantops Mountain at Peter Jefferson place, what a great view to paint. For the last couple of days at noon I have been up on the third floor balcony of the Martha Jefferson Hospital at Peter Jefferson place painting a landscape of the view. It's tremendous and breathtaking in it's scope, it gives the viewer a complete panorama of Charlottesville and the mountain ranges beyond it. It shouts out "paint me" every time I have seen that view, so for the last couple of days I did just that I painted it. Yesterday was the start of the painting, and storms could be seen taking formation. It would be a great location for a "weather cam" because you can see clouds forming so well from up their on Pantops. I painted for an hour and a half, just getting the painting situated and getting the under - painting started, and making sure I took a close look at the buildings and their respective locations in the ...

Plans for The Near Future

Just getting better after an illness struck me on Friday two days ago, I'm starting to feel more like myself now. I am in a field where people often exchange illnesses with each other, and it seems like that is what happened this time too. Eight people where I work came down sick on Friday. Now on to the better news, tomorrow is our last working day for the school year and then I am headed out to paint once again. I have put aside time to devoted to my art. I will be working in oils, acrylics and watercolors no doubt all at various spots I have scouted out during the school year around this town of ours. I am hoping to get something good out of all of this. It's been four month since I lifted the brush to paint so I'm hoping I still have what it takes. I guess we'll find out. I've been out photographing some of the late spring activity of the flowers of Belmont, I will include one in the heading of this post. They come from just picking up my camera and...

U.Va. did there best but with injuries we fell short

We at Post High were treated to a U.Va. baseball game with our students, it was the NCAA regional game with hosting U.Va. playing Oregon (last years champs). It was a well fought game but in the end we did have it to take the cake. With two important players out from injuries from the first of two games with Oregon we fell short. I hope for the speedy recovery for those two injured players (Milcat and another player but I'm not sure exactly who-was it B. Gyer?) , they are both champs for helping the team take us to the highest point yet for our baseball team of the University in our hometown of Charlottesville, Va.. All of our students had a really great time cheering on the Cav's . Goo Hoo's Goooo ....until next year. I personally have enjoyed there state of the art stadium for the last three years, it's a hell of an improvement for we fans of baseball. Before it's existence we sat in aluminium bleachers that might have held between fifty and a hundr...

Our Field Trip to Natural Bridge

At our school which is a small outcrop from the local high school, we took a trip to a place in Virginia that I had never seen before yesterday, Natural Bridge is a very nice day trip from where we are located. I was impressed with the fact that there is more to the park than one natural phenomena. There is a nice walk to an Native American village with people from the original tribe that was living in this area of this part of the world long ago. And some of those members who are decendents of that tribe was their weaving, making jewelry and cooking pancake looking food stuffs over the fire on a griddle at the village. It was truly nice. Then to walk further on the trail past the village was a bridgeto a cave which we could take a long look downward into the darkness, and even beyond that was a waterfall. There was a lot to see at this tourist attraction. Granted there was the typical tourist center at the start to this trail, but otherwise it was mostly a natu...

Teacher's Fatigue

School is out for the three day Memorial Day weekend, and everyone was tired and taking a break laying down for a moment as the last bus slipped out of the parking lot. It seems one of our hard working teachers had not too much sleep last night, because she had collapsed after work around 7pm and awoke at 3 am unable to return to sleep she got up and got dressed. During the last couple of weeks all of our teachers have been meeting with parents and all concerned persons involved in all twenty-two of our students. Try doing that day after day and whistle Dixie. They were all beat by today when it all came to an end. So, I can fathom how they might want a little rest after all that they went through. Our students are moving on soon. I snapped a few photos of them as they came to school this morning just to remember those who are graduating next month and others who are all a part of my life today. I never thought I would be able to say, "I love my work". But toda...

Recovery Weekend

Sponsorship Gathering I was at a sponsorship retreat related to my Recovery "family" of brothers from this area. It was terrific. I was able to listen and concentrate on how various speakers could relate to my life and I found a lot to identify with and I learned truth from others who live with this disease of addiction but who don't use drugs. We all stayed in the same dorm rooms and ate all meals together, we lived and shared our time with each other in a very real way. I learned more about the people I see in my daily life during my week at meetings than every before. It was good for me to enjoy those who are new to our brand of Recovery from addiction. I heard various ways to the same ends of being in touch with a spiritual force that can guide us to not use and improve our relations with ourselves, our families and the whole of society we live with on a day to day basis. We laughed at humorous anecdotes from our brothers and we cried at the memory...

Bike to Work Day

I awoke to learn that it was bike to work day, and I was going to ride to work anyway but on my journey I learned of a table at an intersection where I usually travel that featured bananas and bagel parts in bite sized pieces. Couldn't have been a better start to the day, meeting with other bikeriders on their way to work. I was tired after riding to the gym yesterday and working out for an hour and a half then riding another five miles home...but ride we must. I have driven my car since Sunday and today is two days later and I don't think I'll be driving today either. I'm on my way to the ballgame tonight, it's the last homegame in regular season. I'm headed their with a friend from long ago. He got tickets to row four just behind homeplate, couldn't ask for anything better than that to see our hometown champions playball.

I could offer a little hope today

It's been a struggle to beat this illness today (it's the flu) but today I got over it. All the ugly stuff that comes with being sick seems to have lifted this evening and I'm ready to get at it once again. I don't like missing out on life so I stuck with doing my job even though I was sick for the last three days, I don't usually do this but the weather was so good for biking, etc. Tonight I'm back into my old self, feeling ok once again. I don't recommend this action for most illnesses but I was so fed up with being sick in the springtime, that I had to keep going. I enjoyed being with people these past few days, and I was careful not to touch people or too many things at work. I think I hope I didn't pass it on. Today I am hearing from a student who really wants to go to college and who wants to help people in the consumer case management program that the local community college offers to some who are recommended. I didn't say, "w...

A little flue bug but it's not stopping me today

I was sick yesterday and today, but I forge onward with some time at work, some football throwing which is always a winner and some of the getting down and dirty work as the cleaning crew at the U.Va. Aquatic and Fitness Center. We have been bringing a couple of our guys their since Jan or so, it's been a good job site for training people about being that janitor in a drum. We do it well. I have a flu virus or the onset of a cold bacteria, I'm not sure which it is but I don't feel like spending the time off work or the money to find out. I am getting plenty of rest though, no gym workouts for this week. I miss it. But I am biking to work. I enjoy that trip in the morning and the ride home is grand, it's only a little over two miles, I'm sure of it. I got out yesterday and photographed some of God's wondrous beautiful art in his flowers by the side of the road. That's where today's photo comes from, those eye catching Irises can take yo...

A Very Sleepy Gray Day

Tonight is the Republican's chance to say something when I think they know our President has ruined the stew for them already with some oversalting of the meat, or too many hot hot super hot peppers in the mix. Too hot to eat, what can you say when you have to throw it all out? I don't see them getting very far in the next election between now and the time it comes to vote next year. Such could be the situation. It's cold and wet outside and all people could think of doing for the most part was lying down and going to sleep. Both students and teachers would have rather of just gott'n tucked in for the duration of the wet and gray day we had today. I'm with them. But I heard it was good for the Queen of England down the road in Richmond.

Trails I've Ridd'n on My Mountain bike and a 1970's hybrid

In talking to a local gentleman here in Charlottesville, I found out that what is now a mountain biking trail on Observatory Hill use to be an equestrian trail that allowed bikes to be ridden on it back in the day. Now, it's a fun spot that's nearby town's folk go to for a cheap thrill and the enjoyment of a little mountain biking. The trail is up a tough climb from any newcomers experience, but it's worth the climb for the sake of getting away from the city grime, and traffic noise. I've often ridden it for the fun of it, and it's a quick ride thru the woods on a good sized hill. Some people go a breakneck speeds on the trail itself but I enjoy taking a look around so I'm more inclined to take my time. Thinking back, I've ridden from Philadelphia, Pa. to Mt.Vernon along the eastern shore and back again during the hottest part of the summer of 1972. I lost a lot of water-weight on that ride but I was memorable 9 to me at least) as a feat not easi...

The Rim Trail On O-Hill

Going on a bike ride up to O-Hill isn't that far to go geographically but more of an elevation climb until you reach the trail. Once your their it's an easy around some curves and over some rocks and roots then head on home. The thing of it is that it seems so far removed from what this city has: sidewalks, buildings, cars, trucks and such that it feels like a touch of the country. Half way around the "Rim Trail" is a park bench with a table next to it just for folks to relax and drink in the beauty of the woods, sky and distance seen thru the trees. It's not that much of a secret to people who live here, it may be to some, but it seems most people seem to know about it, it's just whenever I've been up their, I don't run into all that many people who know about it. But when I am riding up on the Rim Trail I might meet one or two people but it doesn't seem like that much of a bother, but I guess to some it maybe. It's not to me. I kno...

The never ending fourteen inning game with JMU

I was at the U.Va. vs James Madison U. baseball game last night. It was a long drawn out event but it was really interesting. The game had a good deal of strategy as a lot of games do but it really was a struggle for these guys to get a run for fourteen innings. Then at around 11 pm it broke loose with JMU scoring five runs, and we had to answer for them all or the game was over. My friend and I witnessed many fans packing it in for the night and going home. But, we decided that it's not necessarily over until the very last out. I'm glad we did that, because the Cav's came back into the next at bat scoring two or three runs really quickly. We got excited! Then with two men on base Sean (or Dot as he seems to be called) Doolittle came to bat. With a mighty swing he hit the ball, all of my hopes flew with that ball when it headed up into the night sky. From where we were sitting it was hard to see what kind of arch the ball had, and it looked like it might go over t...

A Nice Day and Meeting a Tech Graduate

A nice peaceful day with a good dose of physical fitness at Gold's Gym, that's how today worked itself out as being: it just doesn't get any better, no amount of money could buy it and no one else could live it and enjoy themselves as much as I did today. I had time to read the book Chesapeake by Mitchener, and listen to music I love, and to be with a cat who's company I am enjoying and learning about at the same time. Her name is Oreo. I had time to pray and I took advantage of it and did just that. I also had time to talk to a young man at the gym, his name is Matt and he graduated from Va Tech last year. He knew the young Koren man who shot all those innocent students from classes he took at Tech last year. He talked about the way that man never acknowledged people who tried to talk to him or teachers who tried to involve him in class by asking him questions. Whenever he was asked a question he would look away or not verbalize any answer of any kind to his f...

Never seen a Parade before: Dogwood Parade

What a beautiful day for a Parade, and there was one afterall. The Dogwood Parade was one of my first good impressions of this community back when I first arrived to this fair city. Everyone put aside their differences and problems for a day of celebration and pride in our community by walking down the Main Street of our city. I met one of our students and a teacher at the Parade route and sat with them. It was the students first view of a live parade so it was fun to see joy showing on his face. I could tell he wasn't too too involved in watching the dignitaries but he sure enjoyed the old cars and pretty princesses. Much like me actually, I enjoyed having a reason to see it.

Photography using digital vs analog

What's nice about having a digital camera is being able to photograph anything at all without waste such as having wasted a shot on film. I still like analog film but it's so much better to use a digital camera because of the simplicity and the overall better features on a digital camera. I like fooling around with the image using photo-shop software. With an analog camera such thing were possible but you would need a darkroom and all that equipment in order to do it. It was all very cumbersome to fool around with the image once the picture was taken. All in all, these new digital cameras that are using SLR form as by-far better than anything analog cameras can do or be. Around here, some camera shops that dealt with analog items like film developing and sales of equipment well they have gone out of business. Such is the survival of the technology once the new form arrives on the scene.

Horrible news from Va Tech

It's a day to be remembered in sorrow, after getting back from my job site for the afternoon, I got the news of the shootings at Va Tech in Blacksburg. The wind was very severe today with dark dark clouds moving fast and low in the sky. I stood in the wind with my student for fifteen minutes waiting for the school bus, the wind was horrific and the sky was foreboding. I did not know at that time about the tragedy. I found out when we got on the bus to go back to Post High. It's hard to believe that it happened so near to here, I will pray for all those killed by the gunman at Va Tech today. Peace be with you all....